We’ve been selected to show our performances at urban transcript: Rome, the accidental city 2011 next december in Roma.
Keep reading for the supenice review we had from the commitee…
Very interesting project overall with promising potential for architecture, site-specific art, urban activism and the related fields. ‘Live’, interactive, engaging, original, inspiring! Subject to multiple interpretations. Critically discusses issues related to non-programmed space, and its appropriation. Extremely well conducted and produced. Technical integrity and professionalism. Very ‘sharp’, highlighting the element of play, and how it alters a space. Makes an important point on how the definition of uses (planning basically) can transform and enliven an otherwise ‘spatially poor’ environment.
The playfulness of your work is its most fascinating part, its ability to invite us in, to play, through curious objects and devices, which are simple yet very efficient. Enhance the elements of surrealism and utopia in your work; make it a dreamlike urban playground!