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Aprile 6, 2021

Postcards from Utopia

Benvenuto! Mi chiamo Daniele Mancini, sono un architetto e vivo al momento a Roma. è il mio blog personale dove di tanto in tanto registro le mie attività di creativo, architetto ed educatore proprio come…

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Ottobre 9, 2014

Clouds before Cloud

Clouds before the cloud: cosa ho imparato da Interaction Design Institute Ivreaby Daniele Mancini (UNPACKED Studio) Talk within: ALL IS NEW IN ART #6 DESIGN E NUOVE TECNOLOGIECuratore: Alberto IacovoniDalla pietra alla nuvola: il…

By admin0
Maggio 15, 2014

By the moon like shadow

Il cimitero è un luogo di meditazione, semplice, un parco in cui la natura si appropria dello spazio e lo trasforma secondo il suo ciclo vitale; il progetto dell’architettura monumentale e celebrativa lascia spazio al mutamento,…

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// What is

UNPACKED Studio is a professional practice based in Rome (Italy) operating within the traditional fields of architecture and urban planning but also interested in exploring the contemporary through other creative approaches.

// What we do

UNPACKED Studio provides services in the fields of Design, Communication, Architecture, Urban Planning, Participatory Process, Innovative Education and Research.

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// Mission

UNPACKED Studio is a common ground for speculations over cross-fertilizing projects involving several professionals from diverse disciplines. We like experimenting cutting-edge approaches between digital and analog.

// Who we are

UNPACKED Studio has been founded by Daniele Mancini and Irene Rinaldi, both architects and educators.

Daniele Mancini is Ph.D. in Theory of Architecture. He worked in France at Jakob+ MacFarlane Architects and in The Netherlands at Wiel Arets Architects. He is currently involved in teaching activities at IED Istituto Europeo di Design di Roma.

Irene Rinaldi worked in Spain at De La Puerta Architects and in Italy at Schiattarella Associati where participated to the design of Italian Pavillon for the Japan Expo 2005 in Aichi (Nagoya)

UNPACKED Studio started in January 2005 thanks to the Young Entrepreneurs European funds “Sviluppo Italia”.